Course Co-ordinator

Course Co-ordinator

Weijen Wang, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, HKU


Handout - Lecture 03

The University of Hong Kong Common Core Course 2011 – 2012
China: Culture, State and Society
Chinese House and Garden: Architecture, Landscape, and Material Culture (CCCH 9001)

Lecture 03 (21/09/2011)
Courtyard Houses in Beijing and Northern China

  1. Cave Dwelling in Northern China 窯洞
1.            Climate, Geography and Material
2.            Prototype and Layout : Cliffside Cave Dwelling 靠崖窯 ;
      Sunken Courtyard Cave Dwelling 地坑窯 ; Above-ground Cave Dwelling 錮窯
3.          Cave Dwelling in the Courtyard Compound
4.          Cave Dwelling and Village Life: Movie Clips from The Yellow Earth 黃土地

  1. Courtyard Houses in Shanxi 山西
1.                   Network of Merchants in Shanxi 晉商 and the City of Pingyao 平遙:
Business in trading , credit banking 票號, and security 鏢局
2.                   Building Layout and Components
i.         Prototype of Long and Narrow Courtyard
ii.       Layout of Courtyard: Main courtyard and Transitional courtyard
Principle House and two Wings 一正兩廂 / Rear Facing House 倒座 /Gate 大門
/ Festooned Gate門罩,垂花門 / Transit Hall 過廳 / Outside Wing 外廂
iii.      Roofs, Motifs (wood, stone, brick, ceramic) and Heating System
3.                   Residential Complex for Qiao Family 喬家大院
i.          Prototype and Layoutmain and secondary courtyards 主院, 跨院;
-North: two courtyard-compounds and Garden 三進五連環套院
-South: three courtyard-compounds
ii.         Movie Clips: Raise the Red Lantern 大紅燈籠高高掛
4.                   Residential Complex for Wang Family 王家大院
            Prototype and Layout: Function and Size (123 courtyards and 1118 rooms)
-East /Gaojiaya高家崖: two main courtyard-compounds, service yard , study hall 
-West /Red Gate Fort 紅門堡:  twenty-seven courtyard units with a central road and three alleyways

  1. Courtyard House in Beijing 北京
1.            City and Urban Fabric
i.          Beijing City in Yuan, Ming and Qing 元明清
ii.         Alley 胡同 and Courtyard House
iii.        Movie Clips: Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon 臥虎藏龍
2.         Building Layout and Components
i.          Layout and Composition: Jin, Kua and Axis; Courtyard, garden and trees
ii.         Building Components:
-Main Gate 大門and Festooned Gate 垂花門
-Principal House正房, Wing House 廂房and Penthouse 耳房
-Real Facing House 倒座房and Back House 後罩房
-Veranda , Screen  Wall 照壁 and Courtyard Wall 院牆
                             iii.            Residence of Mei Lan-fang 梅蘭芳故居
              3.       Courtyard House for Imperial Family:
i.          Yang-xin-dian 養心殿and Emperor Qianlong 乾隆皇帝
ii.         Other residential courtyards in the Forbidden City
              4.       Courtyard House for Aristocrats: Manor of Prince Gong 恭王府(恭親王奕訢) He Shen 和珅
i.          Prototype and Layout: Three courtyard-compounds (central, west, and east)
; Back Houses 後罩樓 and Garden
ii.         Courtyards in History: He Shen 和珅and Prince Gong 恭親王奕訢
5.                   Recent Transformation of Courtyard Houses in Beijing:
       i.              Mixed-courtyard Housing after 1949大雜院;
       ii.             Demolition 拆遷 and Redevelopment after the 80’s

Recommended Reading List:
Blaser, Werner, Courtyard House in China: Tradition and Present. Basel : Birkhäuser, c1979.
Boyd, Andrew. Chinese Architecture and Town Planning 1500 B.C. – 1911 A.D.. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1962. (Chapter IV)
Soper, Alexander. The Art and Architecture of China. Britain: Penguin Books Ltd., 1956. (Part Two)
Knapp, Ronald G.. Chinese Houses: The Architectural Heritage of a Nation. Singapore: Tuttle Publishing, 2005. (Part One, Two, and Page 100-111 of Part Three)
程萬里著. 中國傳統建築. 香港:香港萬里書店, 中國建築工業出版社, 1991. (第三章及第四章)
李允鉌著. 華夏意匠中國古典建築設計原理分析. 香港: 廣角鏡出版社, 1982. (第四章至第六章)
趙廣超著. 不只中國木建築. 香港: 三聯出版社, 2000.

Cave Dwelling:
侯繼堯等編著. 窯洞民居. 北京 : 中國建築工業出版社, 1989.

王金平, 徐强, 韩卫成著. 山西民居. 北京 : 中國建築工業出版社, 2009.
颜纪臣主编. 山西傳統民居.北京; 中國建築工業出版社, 2007.
張昕,陳捷著,畫說王家大院. 太原 : 山西经济出版社, 2007.

趙廣超著,大紫禁城 : 王者的轴线. 北京市 : 紫禁城出版社, 2008.
贾珺著. 北京四合院. 北京 : 清华大学出版社, 2009.
馬炳堅編著. 北京四合院建築. 天津 : 天津大學出版社, 1999.

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